Mandated Policies for Ethnic Schools
The Ethnic Schools Association of SA (ESASA), on behalf of the Department for Education (DFE), has developed a comprehensive suite of policies for ethnic schools.
Link: Policies for Ethnic Schools
The School for the German Language Inc adheres to these policies.
Canteen Food Policy
Issue 2
9 March 2023
The Canteen has not been able to operate normally since the start of the COVID-19 lockdowns.
However, pretzels will be available to purchase during the break.
Fund Raising for External Charities Policy
Issue 1
26 October 2015
This document sets out the school’s policy on hosting fundraising activities for external charities.
As a not-for-profit organisation, the School and its associated Parents and Friends committee conduct various fundraising activities throughout the year to support the school financially.
There have also been several requests by individuals to conduct fundraising activities for external charities (eg Cancer Council). The school is generally supportive of such initiatives. However they must not disrupt normal school activities and should not have any significant impact upon the fund-raising abilities of the school itself. We cannot afford to exhaust the generosity of our school community by holding frequent external fundraisers.
(1) The School is supportive of students who wish to undertake fundraising for recognized charities (i.e. tax deductable gift recipients such as Cancer Council, RSPCA, Red Cross).
(2) Students need to organise any activities (e.g. setting up donation boxes) themselves and state clearly on any accompanying promotional material that it is their personal fundraising activity and not a fund-raiser which benefits the German School.
(3) Such personal fundraising for recognised charities should be limited to four activities per year and require the approval of the Principal, who has discretion to regulate the details of the activity.
(4) The School will not support these activities by e-mail to the school community, as this means of communication is reserved for activities and events that are organised by the School and/or benefit the School.
Newsletter Advertising Policy
The newsletter of the School for the German Language is primarily for informing the school community about school matters but it is also a vehicle for advertising that can be used by the school community.
- The newsletter publishes 8 issues per year, two per term. The newsletter is published on the school website and also sent to the school community via email. It will remain available for viewing and download on the school website.
- To advertise in the newsletter please email a request to the Editor with the advertisement attached as a PDF, JPG or Word doc file and specifying which issue(s) it should appear in.
- There are no costs for once-only advertisements and flyers.
- Flyers or advertisements for businesses which are repeatedly placed attract a fee of $10 for each issue in which they appear. This needs to be clarified before the advertisement can be placed and payment must be completed prior to publication. Payment should be arranged with the school administrative assistant
- Inclusion of advertising material in the German School newsletter has the primary purpose of conveying information about products or services related to the German, Austrian or Swiss Culture. Advertisements that do not contribute to this purpose may be rejected.
- Any advertiser should be a reputable person/organisation whose public image, products and services are consistent with the values, goals and specific policies of the School for the German Language.
- The content of the advertising must be consistent with the professional nature of the newsletter and consider its likely readership. Advertisements must not be able to be easily confused with editorial content.
- Flyers and advertisements must be approved by the Editor before being published. The Editor may seek advice from the School Management Committee regarding the inclusion or rejection of advertisements on a case-by-case basis.
- Sizes of flyers and advertisements will be adjusted to the available space in the newsletter by the Editor.
- The order and placement of advertisements in the newsletter is at the discretion of the Editor.
Please note it is the advertiser’s responsibility to check the accuracy of the information and images in the advertisement and to seek approval for the publication of any images including minors prior to submitting the advertisement for consideration by the Editor.