Combination of Frameworks
In South Australia, the curriculum is centralised and organised according to the SACSA framework (South Australian Curriculum Standards and Accountability Framework) until the final two years of senior school. It is then taken over by SACE (South Australian Certificate of Education) which goes over two years, Stage I and Stage II. For languages, the SACE curriculum is further divided into “ beginners” and “continuers” . As is outlined below, the School for the German Language is primarily catering for “continuers” and thus, by choosing the appropriate pathways from SACSA and SACE, continuity is assured within the German Language School curriculum as well as being able to incorporate these pathways into the pedagogical methods and teaching structures of the Framework German as a foreign language – Rahmenlehrplan Deutsch als Fremdsprache. From the earliest years, the School for the German Language emphasises competence in communication and has a high availability of linguistic resources.
Classes are structured accordingly to knowledge of the German language but also in consideration to the age of the student.
PreSchool – Year 12+
SACE I/II classes
DSD I/II classes
NO Adult Classes at this stage
Playgroup – Adelaide (‘Zwergenland’)
Playgroup – Barossa (‘Spielgruppe’)
Note:The two playgroups are not organisationally part of the School, but are affiliated with the School through: (a) the School for the German Language Parents and Friends Association; and (b) the Barossa German Language Association